jeudi 24 juillet 2014

Harcha marocaine recipe

Harsha is a semolina cake served hot with honey, cheese or jam. Accompanied by a glass of tea or a cup of coffee is a delight!

Harcha marocaine recipe
Harcha marocaine recipe 
Harcha marocaine recipe
Harcha marocaine recipe 

350 g fine semolina
1-2 tbsp sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking powder
100 g butter
150 ml of milk
Preparation of the recipe : 
In a bowl, mix all dry ingredients. 
Add the melted butter, stir for a pastry. 
Add milk, stir and let the dough rest for ten minutes until the couscous absorbs the butter and milk. 
Sprinkle a little cornmeal on the map 
Working out the dough and top with hand cut circle using a cookie cutter or a glass. 
Heat a nonstick pan and put the cake to cook sides over medium heat. Allow 4 minutes to cook each side. 
Serve hot.

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